How important it is to have a website for your company

In the digital world, no one questions the importance of the website for a company. Regardless of the segment or the size of your company, a web page is the minimum digital presence that an organization must present to guarantee its credibility. Do you know of any successful brands that don’t invest online?The Internet has been changing people’s consumer behaviour. For example, if you wanted to know more about a product/service before, you would need to go to a store.Today, however, it is enough to access the content of websites, blogs, forums and social
networks to read recommendations and compare prices. As expected, such changes also change the customer’s purchase journey.Because of this, in today’s post, you will understand the importance of having a website for your company. If you are interested in this subject, read on and check it out!

What changes in the purchase journey?

The purchase journey is the mapping of the steps that a consumer goes through to complete the purchase of a product/service. And, as we have already mentioned, the Internet changes that.In the traditional model, the first moment of truth (in English, First Moment of Truth – FMOT), is when the individual is in front of the shelf and will decide what to take.The second moment of truth (in English, Second Moment of Truth – SMOT) occurs when he consumes the product, sees if he is satisfied and decides if he will buy it again.In the new model, before the FMOT at the point of sale, the potential customer has already researched a lot on the web about what they want to purchase. This stage was named by Google as the zero moments of truth (in English, Zero Moment of Truth – ZMOT). So, at the time of purchase, the person has practically already made his decision.The consequence of this for Marketing is that the consumer ceases to have a passive posture and starts looking for the information that interests him in the channels he trusts. And of course, your company needs to talk to him during the ZMOT. A good reading tip is the book “ZMOT: Conquering the zero moments of truth”, which is available for free download.
What are the advantages of having a website? Increases visibility